Leadership coaching is not limited to just leaders and professionals! Deb Olejownik’s coaching is open to anyone wanting to excel, get a promotion, or just stop being stuck!
Deb retired from Toledo Public Schools in 2011, a busy year as she also graduated with her third degree, a Master’s in Organizational Leadership. She started her own consulting and coaching business in the area of stress management and burnout after recovering from her own burnout. The company is DJC Core Consulting, LLC and Coaching with HEART is under the umbrella of the company.
Deb excels in Executive & Leadership Coaching, helping leaders get unstuck from Hijacking Moments, those moments which happen out of the blue and derail them from what they are on track to accomplish. How did she become an executive and leadership coach? She loves to learn, she is driven to succeed, and she is committed to help leaders bounce back from hijacking moments; it’s in her DNA. Additionally, Deb has been through many of her own hijacking moments and experienced the mother of all hijacking moments, cancer.
In 2015, Deb earned her certification as a leadership coach; later that year earned a certification as an MBTIÒ Coach practitioner through the Myers Briggs Company. Another tool she uses is TypeCoach; programs are focused on the practical application of personality type on a daily basis. Moving beyond type awareness into application allows participants to drive business results.

Deb is an ongoing learner, always sharpening her craft. She has worked with corporate and manufacturing clients and leaders in organizations from California, Ohio, Oklahoma, Michigan, Texas. Additionally, she created Mastermind Groups, knowing that hijacking moments (those moments that happen out of the blue and derail you from what you are about to do) cost leaders lost time, lost energy, lost income, lost sleep, lost peace of mind, lost connections, and so much more.
All mastermind members have a similar interest on a topic. All come from a variety of backgrounds such as entrepreneurs, managers, business leaders, senior executives, medical background, legal background, or real estate background, etc. the list goes on. Each brings their own magnificent mastery, something they are really good at.
Deb as she is passionately known enjoys collaborating and cultivating meaningful relationships. Her personal mission is to learn and understand her clients’ needs, both internal and external. She applies this knowledge to add value and reignite their fervor in their personal and professional lives, as well as the mission and to the vision of their organization. Her experience in formulating business relationships, executive coaching, strategy mind-mapping, and navigating and embracing change, will help you Break Through and Manage Hijacking Moments.
In her spare time she enjoys spending time with her family and fur babies. She enjoys many hobbies such as reading, crafting…and training for the Tulsa 9-mile walk/run. Deb also volunteers at The Stonebrook Project, a non-profit which provides free spa services for cancer patients.
TypeCoach Certified Professional
International Coaching Federation ~ICF Member Badge

ICF members represent the highest quality of professional coaching. Your journey, success, and advancement are our focus and our goal as your professional organization. One of the most valuable aspects of ICF membership is being a part of a community of coaches who understand and share your challenges and joys.
EQi 2.0/EQ 360 Certification
Can Coach and Train on Emotional Intelligence
Earners of this badge now have a thorough understanding of the EQ-i 2.0 assessment tool and can coach and train on Emotional Intelligence. They are familiar with the Emotional Intelligence elements and have demonstrated the ability to interpret a client’s EQ-i 2.0 & EQ360 report. In addition to the administration of a client’s EQ report, earners of this badge can suggest actionable steps for their clients to continue growth. Finally, earners have also received CCE credits from the ICF.

Civic Engagements
- The Blanchard Community
- Will Rogers Toastmasters #645
- Advanced Articulators Toastmasters #8109
- BOLD Networking Member
- The Stonebrook Project ~ Volunteer
- President, Will Rogers Toastmasters #645
- Toastmaster – Westgate Toastmaster’s club #3159
- Board of Action (BOA) Member – Connect Nation
- NOHRA (Northwest Ohio Human Resource Association)
- Board of Inspiration – So Now
- President, Lourdes University Alumni Association
- Chair – Lourdes University Leadership Networking
- Executive Graduate Council member, Lourdes College
- Secretary, Lourdes College Alumni Association
- Nominations Committee Member, Lourdes College
- At Large Member, Lourdes Collee
- President, Sigma Alpha Pi National Society for Leadership and Success
- Coordinator, Wii Appreciate Our Parents Tournament
- Children’s Liturgy Facilitator, St Richard’s Parish
- Computer Training for individuals on a one-on-basis
- Board Member – Harbor House 300 Beds