Positive Thinking Can Turn Stress Into Opportunity!
What would you like to accomplish this year? More energy, improved health, emotional wellbeing, career success? The new year is upon us, and with it comes the opportunity to make a fresh start. Out with paralyzing self-doubt and in with a new way of coping with stress! Read on to learn more about a stress management strategy that can contribute to a healthy, happy, and productive 2022 and beyond!
The Perception of Positive Thinking
Perception plays a large role in our ability to handle stressors. If your mind is bombarded with self-defeating messages, stressful situations become unmanageable and drains your energy. Stress will always exist, but you can view a situation with optimism by evaluating and challenging negative thoughts. For example, you may think, I’ll never finish this complicated project by the deadline. However, you can evaluate the thought to recognize it as negative and unhelpful. Then, you can challenge it with a positive and useful thought: My boss wouldn’t have assigned this project to me if she didn’t think I could do it. I can meet the deadline if I break the project down and start now.
The Power of Positive Action
Positive thinking is a great start, but we wouldn’t get far if we left it at that. Once we can view difficult situations optimistically, we increase our energy, which helps quiet some of the self-doubt that shouts over logical thoughts. Then, we can make a plan. Now that you feel calm about the complicated work project, you can use your time management skills to handle it: make a list of individual tasks to be completed toward the whole project, prioritize the tasks, and set a reasonable deadline for each small task. Then, actually get started! Stay positive even if something goes awry; adjust your schedule or delegate tasks instead of criticizing yourself.
This Is A Huge Take-Away, So Let Us Recap!
Once you feel calm about a complicated work project you can:
- Use your time management skills to handle it
- Make a list of individual tasks to be completed toward the whole project
- Prioritize the tasks
- Set a deadline for each task
- Get started
This Is The Power Of Positive Thinking & Positive Action!
The Benefits of Positive Thinking
A positive approach to stressful situations in the workplace offers significant benefits. According to a 2012 Harvard Business Review article, “Research shows that when people work with a positive mind-set, performance on nearly every level—productivity, creativity, engagement—improves.” Furthermore, the Mayo Clinic Staff reports that positive thinking increases personal energy and provides physical and emotional health benefits, including a longer lifespan and decreased rates of depression.
Since energy and personal and professional wellbeing are closely connected, enhanced coping skills can help you manage stress in all aspects of life.
For help with creating a personalized energy boosting workplace stress management plan, contact a trusted professional coach!
I specialize in emergent resilient leaders who aspire to take their leadership to the next level but sometimes become overwhelmed or stuck by invisible barriers (anxious thoughts that spill into emotions, which impact business) that hijack their success. Do you know a leader looking to embrace the possible and get the results they desire; have them reach out to me. Interested in reading more about the impact of Invisible Barriers? You might enjoy this post; specifically the fourth reason: A Leadership Coach Will Help Find YOUR Invisible Barriers!
I am interested in reading your comments. Please share this article with your friends. If you would like to talk more about embracing the possible, a positive approach to occupational success, or the importance of hiring a leadership coach, schedule a time to chat.
P.S. I use the speaking platform to get the message out about invisible barriers that hijack success. Which organization do you know of interested in hiring a speaker?
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