One: A Leadership Coach Can Be Your Thinking Partner
A good leadership coach is a thinking partner who provides invaluable feedback and helps you recognize if you can see invisible barriers that hijack your success. This is one of the most important reasons of why you should hire a leadership coach!
I Am Your Thinking Partner
I invite you to have a conversation, that’s it. A good leadership coach is a thinking partner who asks the right questions to help you see what’s holding you back. Once you see what’s holding you back and powerfully face it, then you can reframe it from a different perspective, which helps you transform from being hijacked to achieving your desired results.
Two: A Leadership Coach Helps Reframe The Problem By Shifting Your Perspective
The purpose of reframing is to shift your perspective to be more empowered to act – learning to see things differently. You can shift your perspective with a simple yet profound word to reframe a question or statement and instill more confidence.
Use the word “might” to change from a passive voice to an active voice.
Example: Someone say’s to you, “I don’t think I can do this!” You can respond with, “What is one step you might take to move forward?”
Three: A Leadership Coach Will Boost Your Confidence!
A lack of confidence affects work performance, relationships, and effective communication skills. How does this happen when many clients are highly educated and accomplished? I have discovered through coach training many leaders suffer from a lack of confidence. They are highly educated and talented yet at some point in their leadership lives, they unconsciously gave negative feedback or situations permission to undermine their confidence. Confidence is huge and this in and of itself is a reason why you should hire a leadership coach! These negative responses are invisible barriers that have continued to affect their performance and success every day.
Four: A Leadership Coach Will Help Find Your Invisible Barriers
Invisible barriers could be a limiting belief or a condescending comment. Low self-confidence is a limiting belief, an invisible barrier that triggers emotions and hijacks your success. Invisible barriers can be daunting.
Several years ago I coached a young man, I’ll call him Joel. Joel felt stuck in his career because he sensed he didn’t have the tools he needed to advance to the next level of leadership. His lack of confidence and resilience affected his ability to reach his full potential. His lack of self-awareness started eroding, which intensified stress and had an effect on his influence.
When in the grip of extreme stress (hijacking moments) you are uncharacteristically not yourself. Others may notice a change in your personality, attitude, and influence. You may feel anxious, moody, depressed; your outlook and focus on life changes, your only concern is yourself, your influence becomes nonexistent.
According to Robert Johnson of Bold Networking:
There are a million examples of nonexistent influence; however, unless the leader is putting your interests first, there is little if any influence, and little true leadership.
Robert Johnson ~ Bold networking
Emerge With Stronger Leadership Presence!
Joel eventually was able to see his problem. At first he just wanted to focus on the positive however; the problem kept rearing up and hijacking his ability to advance. Once he determined and accepted his problem was a lack of confidence, self-awareness, and influence, Joel made his first commitment to take a risk and speak up more in meetings and learn from his experiences. Since then, Joel has powered through with the right tools and support in place. His desire was not only to make it through the challenges, Joel emerged with a strong confident leadership presence.
Five: What Are Your Desires? A Leadership Coach Can Help You Achieve Them!
What do you desire most? Intangible desired results, tangible results, or is it something else?
Intangible desired results may be to save money for travel and vacations, maintain your current lifestyle, or funds for continuing education. Maybe you want to develop a strong leadership presence with trust and credibility.
Tangible desired results may be time saved, money saved or money earned. It could be that performance is important to you therefore, your desired result consists of performance that is clear, understood, expected and rewarded.
What desired results do you want most, that are meaningful to you? A thinking partner will help you achieve these desires!
The Good News!
A leadership coach helps you change your path, from an invisible ghost that’s holding you back to seeing the real problem, facing the problem, and transforming the problem. I know this to be true because I experienced it first hand, the first time I hired a coach early in my coaching career to help me deal with an invisible barrier. What a liberating feeling; after a few sessions and still to this day I have never been bothered by those invisible barriers.
According to the Institute of Coaching, over 70% of individuals who receive coaching benefited from improved work performance, relationships and more effective communication skills.
Leadership coaching works! Once you see, handle, and get past the problem with a thinking partner, you will effortlessly achieve your goals and desires. Yes, it’s true, you have to be willing to explore the negative to get to the positive however; you are not alone, I am there for you when you need me and I hope you can more clearly understand why you should hire a leadership coach!
Coaching makes things possible and opportunities happen. Coaching offers tools to transform your leadership and life. Coaching strengthens your character, confidence, courage, congruence, and resilience.
The importance of hiring a leadership coach is to help you think things through, provide invaluable feedback, see invisible barriers that hijack your success. If this looks good to you let’s connect via Zoom or in person if possible. If this resonates with or you’d like to hear more, let’s schedule a phone call. If this feels right to you and you’d like more information, contact me. I offer workshops on Hijacking Moments!
Signature Series Hijacking Moments Workshops
I specialize in helping courageous leaders manage hijacking moments. In depth information on Hijacking Moments. Do you know a courageous leader looking to adapt to adversity from hijacking moments and get the results they desire; have them reach out to me.
I am interested in reading your comments. Please share this article with your friends. If you would like to talk more about the importance of hiring a leadership coach, schedule a time to chat.
P.S. I use the speaking platform to get the message out about managing hijacking moments. Which organization do you know of interested in hiring a speaker?
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